The Sakeraku
酒樂為一群熱愛日本清酒的日本創作人建立的品牌,致力於將日本出色的清酒文化向世界推廣。酒瓶由陶藝家青木良太匠心巧製,表面帶有獨特的絢麗色彩和金屬光澤;包裝設計由chiii design操刀,融合愛知縣及岐阜縣的地形圖為包裝注入人文關懷。拍攝的美術指導主要呈現金屬光澤及印刷紋理,用局部燈光營造出未來感。
The Sakeraku was founded by a group of Japanese creators who love Japanese sake with the mission of expanding the excellence of Japanese sake to the world. The Sakeraku collaborated with Chiii Design and artist Ryota Aoki to craft these contemporary sake bottles. Our Art direction emphasized the metallic texture and create a futuristic atmosphere.
Design: Chiii Design