Meeet X Instituto Cultural de Macau
澳門文化局 X 遊覓 MEEET 博物館館藏系列
文化局首度推出以澳門博物館典藏作為特色系列之文創產品。由澳門文化旅遊品牌Meeet 擔任設計,根據文化局轄下澳門博物館及澳門藝術博物館館藏作為靈感起源,開發別具特色創意產品,展現澳門多元的歷史文化內涵及創意活力。
A series of cultural and creative products launched by Instituto Cultural de Macau (Cultural Affairs Bureau) were designed by Meeet. This series featured the abundant collections of Macao Museum and Macau Museum of art, merging aesthetic and profound cultural connotations into functional creative products.
Design : Meeet