Pinel et Pinel x Cyril Kongo BE@RBRICK
Bearbrick 由日本玩具公司MEDICOM TOY於2001年推出,經常與世界各地不同藝術家、電影或商業品牌合作聯乘。本系列由Fred Pinel 及 塗鴉藝術家 Cyril Kongo 合作設計。由Pinel et Pinel工坊的匠師將皮革、塗層帆布及藝術家親自噴繪的塗鴉皮革,逐片用人手縫製,每一隻 BE@RBRICK都是皮革工藝和塗鴉藝術的完美融合。
Launched in 2001 by the Japanese toy company MEDICOM TOY, Bearbrick is often paired with different artists, films or commercial brands around the world. This collection was designed by Fred Pinel in collaboration with graffiti artist Cyril Kongo. Leather, coated canvas and graffiti leather painted by the artist are hand-sewn piece by piece by craftsmen from Pinel et Pinel workshops. Each BE@RBRICK is a perfect fusion of leather craftsmanship and graffiti art.
Client : BE@RBRICK Macau
Photographer : Bob Wong