都爹利會館 2019限量版燈籠月餅禮盒
位於香港核心地段中環且擁有米芝蓮一星的粵菜餐廳---都爹利會館,推出限量版燈籠月餅禮盒,包裝由設計師洪駿業操刀,利用全息雷射物料(holographic material )及LED燈製作,以摩登時尚風格詮釋傳統節日。是次拍攝主題旨在呈現包裝的功能性及其藝術美學。
Duddell's is a Cantonese Michelin Starred restaurant in the heart of Hong Kong's Central district. Among all the mooncake package design poped up every year, Duddell’s over the top lantern surly stands out from all its competitors. In this Series of photography, We present both of the functionality and artistry of the products.
Design : Mo Design
Art direction : Hong Chong Ip